Contents Insurance


Whether you’re renting a place or letting it out, anywhere which contains your belongings should be a place of safety and security.

But if you’re ever the victim of a fire, property damage or theft, significant stress and worry may come from having to replace most, if not all, of your belongings.

We at Cubit understand the complications which can arise from such a situation, which is where Contents Insurance comes in.

Contents insurance is designed to protect your belongings from floods, fires, property damage and theft. To understand what this policy will cover, think of it as cover for anything you brought into your home, or what you would take if you decided to move house.

Imagine if you came home today to find that your possessions had been ruined – on top of deciding what you’d need to replace, it’s likely that the cost for such items could reach into the thousands – far more if the person’s house contained jewellery and other invaluable possessions.

This is where contents insurance comes in handy. You’ll be able to protect your stuff against damage due to fire, flooding and theft; in light of that happening, you’ll be covered for replacement costs.

An example of what’s covered include the following:

  • Clothes and jewellery
  • Furniture - beds, dining tables, sofas and wardrobes
  • Electricals - DVD players, digital media, games consoles, laptops, and TVs
  • Entertainment - Books, CDs, DVDs, video games and vinyl
  • Kitchenware - pots, pans, cutlery as well as microwaves, kettles etc
  • Soft furnishings - bedding, cushions and curtains
  • Toys, ornaments and antiques

The list can go on, highlighting just how expensive replacing things can be. With content insurance, those fears are easily removed, leaving you to focus on other things should such an incident take place.

How does Content Insurance Work?

Content Insurance can be provided in two different ways:

  • The first in relation to Indemnity – this deals with the general condition of the items you’re claiming insurance for. In a nutshell, the older the item, the less of a payout you’ll receive, but newer items will have a higher payout.
  • The second is a new for old policy, where the full amount is given for a brand new replacement. However, as the payout is higher, so is the premium.

Both options have their pros – it’s down to what’s best for you and your financial capabilities.

Is it Compulsory to have Contents Insurance?

It’s not a legal requirement to have contents insurance, but the question you need to ask is just how essential your possessions are, and what you’d do if you lost them, or needed to replace them.

Content insurance is a way of preparing for any mishaps and calamities which might befall your property, in such a way that you can get back to basics relatively quickly. This could be important for work, and particularly for families.

At the least, it’s worth considering over!

How Much should Belongings be Insured For?

The easiest answer would be to insure your items for their actual value. But ideally, enough cover would be in place to replace everything you own, if anything bad was to happen to your home.

“Everything” should also be understood in the broadest sense – such a policy, for example, would include things you might have left up in the attic, like sports gear, decorations and the like.

This might make it lengthy and somewhat taxing task, but it helps you present us with an accurate idea of how much your possessions are worth, and helps you decide what’s worth insuring and what isn’t. A contents calculator would also come in handy, so you stay on track for the whole thing.

It’s important, however, to separate any belonging which surpasses £1,000 on its individual value, as these are considered High-Risk items – meaning, not only are they more vulnerable in acts of theft, but they will be harder to replace.

Extra Cover for Contents Insurance

Though they’re usually not part of a standard contents policy, some insurers may offer extra cover at a cost.

The following are not part of our standard content insurance policy, but can be provided if you need:

  • Accidental Damage Cover – for surprisingly common situations like dropping your phone in a puddle, or spilling a drink over it; dropping a laptop; kids throwing items at your TV, and so forth.
  • Legal Expenses Cover – covers legal fees in events like taking a tradesman to court, covering you if someone was injured in your home and decided to sue for compensation.
  • Home Emergency Cover – offers a lifeline in quick assistance for situations like a pipe burst, a window break or a pest infestation.

Crucially, the aim of Cubit Insurance is to make the arrangement of your policy as straightforward as possible. The above is a good introduction as to what we do, but we’d still love to hear from you and discuss how to provide you with a policy which suits your exact requirements.

Call us today to get your policies up and running!

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What they say


  • I am Happy to have cheap car insurance from cubit. I have observed cubit insurance as the best insurance company because of its cooperative and on time responsive staff.

  • Jay’s customer service was excellent and the way he explained the policy was very clear and easy to understand… definitely recommend, ask for Jay.

  • Cubit insurance have offered me a great service today. Mohammed and Ozlem was very friendly, helpful and professional. I definitely recommend!

  • If you want to get Insurance services, I think cubit Insurance is much better option. I used their services and I am very satisfied. They are actually providing good services.

  • Very happy, jay is very polite and nice guy. If possible id give more than 5 stars

  • Very helpful staff and great prices. Very happy customer 🙂

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