Business Insurance


Purchasing business insurance or commercial insurance can be a complex process – but that doesn’t need to be so. At Cubit Insurance, we aim to make it as quick and easy as possible, giving you time to focus on other aspects of your business and career.

With a selection of highly experienced account managers ready and waiting, we can provide you with the right type of business policy, tailoring it so you get exactly what you need. And if you need to make a claim, we can guide you through to the best possible case – invaluable assistance if you’re just starting up your business or you’re stretched on time and resources.

If you wish to read further, have a look at the FAQs below to assure you of why business insurance is essential, and to ensure you we can satisfy all your business related queries!

What is Business Insurance?

Business insurance is what you need to protect your business, and any subsequent parties it interacts with, from any financial risks or losses during the running of your company. Examples would be property damage, work interruptions or wrong advice; in such examples, a business would be at risk of a compensation claim or legal action, whether the company is large or small.

What does Business Insurance cover?

Whilst the purpose of business insurance is to protect from any possible risks and losses within day-to-day operations, it will vary from business to business – the best option for you is always to have some tailored to your unique circumstances, improving your company protection and increasing your value for money.

What types of business insurance are there?

Knowing what types of business insurance there are will help shape the decision on which type is best for you.

Public liability insurance – this is essential for businesses who interact with members of the public, on your company premises or anywhere else. You’ll be protected from compensation claims for injury or damage made from anyone; a client, customer, a third party, a supplier and even an employee could all come into play.

Professional Indemnity Insurance – if your business provides advice, offers professional services to other businesses, deals with client data or deals in intellectual property, this is for you. Mistakes, pure and simply, can be made, and if a client of yours loses money, they might want to sue you. Professional Indemnity Insurance will cover compensation claims and legal costs.

Employers’ Liability Insurance – this is for any situation in which a member of staff seeks compensation due to injury, illness or damage during their work.

Business Buildings Insurance – this is essential, whether your business runs inside a premise or within your own home! If you’re renting, however, make sure you check with your landlord to see if anything’s already covered.

Business Contents Insurance – ideal to protect the contents of your business premises, including equipment and tools – if any are damaged, lost or stolen, replacement or repair costs will be covered.

Stock Insurance  – holding any stock on your premises runs the risk of them being damaged or lost. This type of insurance covers the costs of replacement should anything happen.

Product Liability Insurance – if any product your provide to a customer causes damage or injury, you could be held liable even if you didn’t manufacture the product. In circumstances like this, you’ll need protection.

Personal Accident Insurance – this covers lost income, medical costs and hospitalisation, in the case of serious injury or death from an accident.

Business Interruption Insurance  – in the onset of an event such as a floor or a fire, your business could be affected by serious material damage. Business Interruption Insurance covers the loss of revenue occurring from such situation, helping your company get back on its feet in no time.

Business Legal Protection Insurance – also known as Business Legal Expenses Insurance, this will cover your commercial legal expenses and provide you with protection towards any costs of legal action brought to or from your business.

Can I get Business Insurance without a Trade License?

The short answer is that yes, for some businesses, you may not need a trade license; and its possible to buy business insurance before your trade license has been sent. But if you start trading and your business lacks the necessary licenses, your business insurance could be rendered invalid and claims may not be paid. And even if you don’t need a trade license, you’re still required to register your business!

Get an insurance quote for you

Best Business Insurance



Make sure you are meeting all legal requirements and keep your business up and running.

No matter how carefully you manage your business, accidents and incidents can and will happen. At Cubit Insurance we can provide Public Liability and Employer’s Liability to cover you against potential claims for any form of destruction, injury or even death that could severely damage your business. And, if you are unsure what type of insurance or level of cover you need, we are here to help. Compare the Business Insurance Quotes for public liability and choose the one that you want to get. Go and get start your Quote today!


Whether you’re a one-man band or have a team under your wing, we will ensure that you’re covered from all angles.

No matter the trade nor your speciality, we tailor the insurance to your needs, giving you all the protection necessary.  If you’re responsible for a team, property or a process, we ensure your cover will stand against any legal action costs or compensation claims.


Your business premises protected –  so you can keep on trading!

In retail, any problems with your premises, stock or staff can have a significant impact on your business. Make sure you have the right insurance in place so that if things do go wrong, you’re able to get back on your feet, quickly and with minimum disruption.


Protect your business, staff and customers from any potential damage or danger!

Whether you run a fine dining restaurant or a traditional café, a working kitchen is also a high-risk environment where accidents can easily happen, or and Health and Safety Regulations can be broken. By protecting your business, you also protect your staff and customers from potential dangers.


Don’t let the smooth running of your business be disrupted at a time when the margins are tight!

Not only do we tailor packages for over 150 different trades, we also offer UK-wide cover; no matter where you are, we’ll put together a policy that’s right for you, at the right price. We’re able to offer you the very best deals, covering risks such as building cover, employee theft, terrorism, computer breakdown, goods in transit, personal accident and assault, business interruption, loss of accounts, legal expenses and much more, as well as providing Employer’s, Product & Public Liability as standard.


Over 200 different types of commercial property covered with the widest range of protection.

With over 200 different types of commercial property covered, we can provide insurance for shops, offices, restaurants, manufacturing premises, wholesale warehouses, processing premises, leisure premises, religious premises, take-aways, pubs, and much, much more.

Whether you have just a single unit or a portfolio of commercial properties, whatever you own, our cover offers the widest range of protection.


Make sure office contents and valuable equipment are properly insured for theft and damage.

Whether you are a physiotherapist, doctor, chiropractor or dentist, you need to make sure your surgery or clinic, with all its contents and equipment, is properly insured; and that includes whether you work from home, attend a purpose built premise, or you operate from one or several surgeries.

We’ll offer you a policy tailored to your needs, guaranteed.


Bespoke policies to cover the widest range of risks, alongside straightforward quotes.

Buying the right insurance should be quick and easy; but you also want to make sure its the right insurance at the right price. Cubit Insurance provides tailor made cover, so bespoke quotes are presented which are perfect for you and your unique circumstances.


Faith organisations are an integral part of any community – as are the buildings they frequent.

With thousands of people relying on faith-based buildings to perform their obligations, ceremonies, gatherings and more, it’s essential to have faith insurance, ensuring the smooth running of the building in light of any unforeseen event.

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